Team Members -
Driver47, Sineptorro, Goggles56, Darkness, PizzsterModding, MMBrown, Marian and Kaiser from GMC Logistics, CBarksdale, Vondraghen and Seriousmods
The Welker Sheds modeled by Sineptorro, also donated the Big Buds, Magnum, signs for the CaseIH dealship in Ethridge as well as the cargo ramps for the step deck trailer for scene building -
Darkness models
Darknes has doanted many farm equipment models from for the map -
MMBrown models
The new JBS logo and auger models from MMBrown are a very nice addition to the map. As well as a couple hanging items, the Hell Creek Trucking logo, and Hell Creek Ranch logo which turned out awesome.
Chute and Trencher models from PizzsterModding, who knows how many times the chute has been used in the map lol - The trencher will see a special project here in the very near future -
Since I made the base map SCS cargoes only, Pupz has taken to adding trailer mod cargos to his mod, ATS Expansion Cargo Add On found on Truckymods. Pupz also made the logo for Hell Creek Trucking -